Treadmill Exercise - 3 Benefits Of Treadmill Walking You May Not Know

Chances are that you already know your treadmill can help you lose weight, stay fit, and protect you from the ravages of age related diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

But here are 3 MORE benefits of treadmill exercise you might NOT know!

#1 Walking on A treadmill Helps Alleviate Depression

A recent study at Duke University found that even as little as eight minutes on a treadmill can help to dramatically, although temporarily, reduce symptoms of depression.

While researchers already knew that longer, sustained regular exercise helps to alleviate depression over the long term, this study proves that even short, vigorous workouts can have a similar helpful effect.

#2) Having Trouble Sleeping?

While it s always been thought that vigorous exercise during the day will help improve sleep, the actual evid