The History of Elliptical Machines

The History of Elliptical Machines

The presence of elliptical trainers has grown more and more prevalent in the
last few years. Go into any public gym and you will see that the number of
elliptical trainers is more than the number of treadmills! While the treadmill
is a popular method of exercise, fitness enthusiasts have grown to love and look
forward to a rewarding hour on the elliptical trainer.

With each year, more and more people realize how important it is to stay fit.
Obesity, high cholesterol and more are increasing among our population, year
after year. Children are now getting diseases formerly seen in elderly
adults all due to the fact that they are in poor health. With increased aerobic
activity, an individual will add years to their life, as well as appreciate a
stronger body, higher self-confidence and so much more!

Elliptical trainers are a direct result of individuals wanting a superior
fitness workout. For years, fitness experts have encouraged cardiovascular
exercise to help circulation, burn fat, build stronger bones and muscles and
more. The best results were garnered from hiking, running and other
weight-bearing activities. Fitness equipment mimicked these natural exercises
with the creation of the treadmill, stepper and others. Unfortunately, these
exercises also contributed to additional stress on the back, knees and other
joints. The