Should You Exercise At Home Or At A Gym?

Deciding where you will exercise is an important first step in reaching your fitness goals. Many factors go into this decision and each should be thoroughly evaluated before beginning an exercise program. Once a decision has been made on where you will work out, you can move onto deciding how you will work out.

Exercising at home has its definite advantages. One advantage is in the finance department. With today s gas prices, it is obvious that you will save money on fuel as well as ware and tare on your car by exercising at home. Gym memberships can often be costly and may include items that you don t really need such as child care or swimming facilities. You also don t have to be concerned with having the latest in exercise fashion or gear since you most likely would be working out by yourself at home.

Working out at home, however, does include a measure of financial obligation. Even if you will simply be running, it is imperative that you have high quality running shoes. Really, this statement applies to any equipment you may purchase to use at home. If you buy extremely low priced