Reebok Elliptical 525
The Reebok Elliptical 525 is one of the best elliptical trainers for home use. You may be asking yourself what sets for 525 apart from other elliptical trainers? Well to put it simply the Reebok 525 elliptical trainer has an innovative design and tons of club quality features.
This elliptical trainer which is produced by Reebok has a price estimate of around $699. Compared to similar price machines like that clips 4000 elliptical trainer the Reebok 525 trainer is in the league of its own.
Reebok also stands behind its warranty which on this product is 90 days.
One of the main benefits is this elliptical trainers produced by a trusted company in Reebok. Some special features include IFit technology, patented elliptical motion and a magnificent power incline.
The IFit technology allows you to download custom workouts in dozens of other interactive programs on both CD or VHS.
The power incline feature allows you to adjust workout intensity from 10 to 30 percent and allows you to closely monitor your workout at almost club quality.
If buying a new Reebok elliptical 525 trainer is out of your price range of good option is getting it on the eBay. EBay allows you to find a perfectly good elliptical trainer and often you’re paying less than half the price.
One thing to consider if you are not purchasing locally buying off the Internet can have hefty shipping prices for something that way so much.
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Tags: treadmill, fitness equipment, home gym equipment
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