Incline Treadmill Review
Most people buying a treadmill want one with an incline (also called treadmill elevation).
It used to be that incline on a treadmill was a bonus feature. However today, most motorized treadmills come with an incline option. The difference seems to be in the amount of elevation available.
If you’re looking for an economy treadmill (under $1000) you’ll probably find most treadmills only come with a 10-12% incline (however that can be enough for most people - especially for those new to treadmill exercise).
When you get into the mid-priced treadmills ($1500+) you’ll start to see elevations of 12-15%. And in most premium treadmills you’ll find inclines of 15%.
If you’re in top shape and really want a challenge, then you’ll probably want a 15% incline. However if you just want a <a target="_