How to Choose the Best Treadmill

treadmill information helping you decide which one is most suitable for you & your circumstances.

Which is the best treadmill for you ? Well a good point to start is to decide how much you have to spend & how much space you have. Treadmills start at approx $299 for a self powered one up to over $5000 for a motorised commercial type. If you have limited space then choose a folding type.

If you are serious about your fitness goals then the best treadmill to choose would be a motorised one. You should make sure you choose one with a motor powerful enough to meet your needs. The faster you want to run the more powerful the motor you should choose. Be careful when choosing the power rating for the best treadmill for you, power ratings are in HP (Horse Power) & you should make sure the HP rating is the continuous duty HP & not the max duty HP. Treadmills are not designed to run at the max duty HP as this will burn out the motor.

The best treadmill for walkers & joggers should have a continuous HP rating of 1.0-1.5 and for runners 1.5-2.0
