GETTING OFF THE TREADMILL. Four Easy Ways To Create Simplicity In Your Life

4 Easy Ways To Create Simplicity In Your Life

You were born a simple being. As you grew, you attracted more and more “stuff” and chaos into your life, didn?t you. How did that happen without you noticing? In order to get back
to simplicity as an adult, you must actively make choices to achieve it. Here are four ways to create simplicity in your life.

1. Turn off the television.
The average American watches in excess of 20 hours of television per week. With this in mind, turn off the T.V. one night a week to have quiet time to yourself or with your family and plan your life?s activities. Don’t worry…the news will continue to happen even
if you’re not watching it.

2. Stop spending time with toxic people.
Just say NO. This is a tough one, but well worth it. Refuse to spend your
precious time and energy on those