From Price to Performance Top Treadmills Reviewed
From Price to Performance Top Treadmills Reviewed
A treadmill can be an excellent exercise machine, providing a convenient and relatively inexpensive way to stay fit. But with over a dozen different manufacturers out there, each with a collection of different styles of equipment, it can be difficult to know which treadmill is best for you.
How much you can spend and what type of exercise you plan to do will help determine which price range and manufacturers are right for you. It is important to research the specific features you need based on whether you plan to walk, jog or do all out running training. But a good place to start is often to get an overview of the manufacturers out there and the cost of a treadmill. Below is an overview of ten of the most popular treadmill models and their general ratings in the industry.
A company called Icon Health and Fitness is perhaps the largest and most well known treadmill manufacturer in the world. They also make other types of exercise equipment. In the treadmill realm, they produce Reebok, NordicTrack, Weslo, Proform and Image brands. All five of these rank among the most popular and offer consumers a range or prices and options.
Of all the Icon brands, Weslo treadmills are the least expensive, and in fact are typically the lowest priced of any treadmill regardless of manufacturer. They are entry-level machines intended for use by beginners and walkers that do not engage in a more demanding workout. They lack the power of more expensive brands and are built with smaller running areas. And warranties are typically no longer than 90 days.
In the Weslo line, the Weslo 400 CS treadmill sells for under $400. It is consistently picked as one of the top budget treadmill models.
For those interested in a bit more advanced treadmill, the Weslo EX18 sells for $500 but can be hard to find. It is worth the search though as it is perhaps the best Weslo model and will provide a good machine for the beginner or walker on a budget.
Image is another brand of treadmill produced by Icon Fitness. This line is slightly more expensive than Weslo, but is still considered a budget machine, typically selling for under $1000. Many experts feel that Image treadmills offer the best value for the average person. The only drawback is the warranty, which is only 90 days on many Image models.
The Image 1200 treadmill has a 2.0 hp continuous duty motor that provides a maximum speed of 10 mph. The platform can adjust to inclines from 0-1