Elliptical Trainers - They are not the perfect workout!

Elliptical trainers are the hottest of the hot in fitness equipment. They are easy to use, and provide a great workout. Using an elliptical machine will give you a great cardio workout, similar to that of running, and will tone your lower body as well. And, because the impact is less than that of walking, even those of us with not so great knees can use an elliptical trainer without pain. Many people are finding the elliptical trainer to be such a great workout that they aren’t interested in doing anything else. However, no one machine can give the perfect workout. So, how does the elliptical machine stack up against other ways of working out? Well, if you take a closer look, you’ll find that elliptical training has distinct advantages, but a few disadvantages too.

One of the great benefits of elliptical trainers is that it provides an aerobic workout through a weight bearing exercise. Running does this, of course, but working out on an elliptical trainer provides an impact to your joints comparable to walking. In addition, many people report that working out on an elliptical trainer feels like les