5 Sure-Fire Tips To Save You $1000’s On Your Home Gym
It always amazes me when people say “Home Gyms are expensive! I just don’t have $1000’s of dollars lying about” These people obviously haven’t looked very hard because nowadays home gym equipment doesn’t have to cost 2, 3 or even $4000 dollars.
Below are 5 great alternatives that won’t cost you the earth but can do just a good a job as many of the commercial fitness equipment found in local gyms.
1. Dumbbells
For resistance weight training you can’t go past dumbbells for their practicality and versatility. You can perform any number of exercises with dumbbells that even the more expensive weight machines can’t do. These days you can get adjustable dumbbells which allow you to use add or remove weight from a single dumbbell with a simple pin, just like with traditional pin loaded weight machines.
This feature means you don’t have to buy different weight dumbbells for different exercises and you save on floor space which can be used for cardio equipment like ellipticals or treadmills.
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